# § Note Categories
- This is the landing page for my notes website so that I can review what I am/was thinking about. Additionally, it may also benefit others to see the scatterbrained thinking that I’m going through.
- The list of notes indexed below show what I have bothered to transmit from my mindspace to wordspace.
- However, these categories are not necessarily [[§ What’s top of my mind]].
- Most of the notes are incomplete and need revisiting. I imagine all can do with revision/editing. So, why share it on the internet, at all? Two reasons:
- Mostly, because the site acts as a map for myself to read/review what I have written without being able to edit it to address friction-related [[problems I have with digital interfaces for written creation and ideation]].
- Another is for me to see what needs completing and get back to work the next day on one of these topics hopefully. Of course, that needs a task list (which I am really bad at keeping and following).
- **Some** notes are for written to explicitly share with others- if you are one of these people, or have stumbled on here accidentally, then you might find backlinks to other notes that fully expose my stupidity far sooner than I intend that to be apparent.
- However, these sharable notes should replace email, especially when sharing with several people who may not know each other. This also allows evading overcrowding threads of conversation.
# Index
- [[0 Proposals are a key component of my job and life]]
- [[1 Robotic in-space assembly]]
- [[2 Variable Mass Landers are a Future Mars exploration technology]]
- [[3 What is a varied quantity in variational calculus]]
- [[4 Collision Detection]]
- [[5 Contact Dynamics in Autonomous Robotic Systems]]
- [[6 Ideas]]
- [[7 Autonomy is freedom from coercion]]
- [[8 Integrators for Mechanical Systems Across Length Scales]]
- [[9 Ben Horowitz on Organisational Cultures]]
- [[10 Startups]]
- [[11 Trajectory Optimisation]]
- [[12 Hundred Person Habitat]]
- [[13 How much better is the world today?]]
- [[14 Risk]]
- [[15 Great Groups are not cults]]
- [[16 Metascience entrepreneurs work on new social processes of science]]
- [[17 Eating better]]
- [[18 European Research Council Funds Space Projects]]
- [[19 Writing]]
- [[20 Studio Flat and Apartments]]
- [[21 Travel things]]
- [[23 portmanteaus]]
- [[24 Workout]]
- [[25 A way to Learn to Techno?]]
- [[26 Writing to Constructively Disagree could be getting less common]]
- [[27 Authors]]